10 Key Words

Celebrity - The celebrities within xmen3 can be affected through by the media newspapers etc and otehr films they are in.

Cultivation theory- theory constructed by George gerbner which states that the media can change the audiences’ views even in the real world.

Content Ananlysis - The representation of each character within the film, how they are portrayed and the differences between them.

Femininty - Feminsim fight for their rights and are against male dominance and the patriarchal society. I can link this to the feamles within xmen 3.

Gender - can show how characters are labels and represented within xmen 3.

Genderered Consumptions - The way the gender in xmen 3 affects the audiences consumptions of the media.

Genre - How the genre of xmen3 affects the female representation.

Hollywood - Hollywood films and mainstream films, how genders are shown and the affect of the overall hollywood anme upon it.

Ideology - the new ideologies past and sent through the media to the audince, how it affects people and their reactions.

New Man - how the new man is shown within society and how xmen3 reflects from this.

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