Brief View Of Thier Representation

Storm - Her power is to control the weather. This power related to her as a typical female, as her power relates to her wmotion. For example in one scene, strom uses her power to create cloudy day to connote her emotion of a loss of a character in the film. She makes her sky cloudy as she is upset etc.

Brief View Of Thier Representation

Rougue - She has a power that which conflicts with her Touch sense. If she were to touch any living thing, she'll be able to absorb their power (if a mutant) memories and personality and she may be able to use it.
Her representation in the film is also inferrior, as she beleieves her power makes her powerless. this representation is shown by her using a cure so she is able to touch her boyfriend, she thinks her great power is to be able to be in love.
Her power relates to her perfection of love.

Brief View Of Thier Representation

Mystique - Has a strong power to shape shift into any thing from animals to humans etc. She is represented as powerless as she looses her powers by saving Magneto.

Brief View Of Thier Representation

Jean Grey - Xmen 3 is based on Jean grey, as her new character know as the 'Phoenix'. Her overall role within the film is that she is a mutant who can save the mutant race and kill humans by someone else controlling her. She is incapable of controlling her new power and Magneto plays mind games and uses her as a powerful weapon.

Xmen 3 Video

Media Language The first scene connotes that male powers tend to be more powerful than female powers for example his power can move a whole bridge across the sea, and the way he is moving the cars by just walking forwards shows the superior power.
In the first scene of Magneto moving the bridge, the close up shot of his facial expressions show how easy it is for him to move a whole bridge, it shows that it is like putting butter on bread. The long shot of him walking with his army behind him shows him being superior, also the low angle shot of magneto shows how superior he is.
Each character has their own unique costumes for example, the Xmen have their own co-ordinating outfit, and the evil side have their own unique costumes to show their identity.
Throughout most of the clip, low key lighting is used, for example the fight scene, low key lighting is used to connote an intensive scene, the war is a bad thing and the lighting matches the mood of the scene.
The type of sound used is mainly parallel sound as the music suits the type of scene and the mood, this helps increase the tension of the scene to make the audience go into a trance of being in the war.

Institution This production is a Hollywood production in New York. The clip isn’t a trailer and has no promotions; the only promotion showed is ‘Youtube’. As this is where I have got the clip from. This film is a mainstream film with a mass audience.

Genre The film has a ixture of genre's from action, adventure and a touch of thrill. The main type of genre is action, as the film is based on a 'war' against humans and mutants. The film is based on a political point of view, in which politics is a reality, but reffering to the movie the type of politics if impossible to happen. The film has focused itself, as a type of series as there has been an Xmen 1 and 2, this is the final of the Xmens which contains all elements from the previous ones.

Representation The main representations I have come across is the positive frames of females. for example, watching the whole of Xmen three has focused me to look how females are representated, as their powers are to be shown through emotion or fear, for example 'Storm' her power is to do with her emotion, if she was upset she would make it rain or with anger she would may thunder and lightning and looking at male power, it is shown as the masculinity of males such as superhuman powers to lift anything, the masculinity of a male who would hold his wifes shopping bags etc. This shows that males are superior and feamles are inferior.

Narrative Looking at the film, the narrative structure does follow 'TODOROV's' theory (equillibirum - disequilibrium - new equilibrium) in a negative but also positive way, as at the end many people suffer through the war and the Xmen loose 'Jean grey' and the 'Professor' but the Xmen learn new things through the losses. The new eqilibirum isn't shown within the film but through the audeinces imagination. for example the equilibrium was that there was mutants and humans living togeather. disequilibrium is the war, and the loss of the people and characters. The new equilibrium is that the war has ended and people follow a new path and end up being more independant.